Recruitment Software

Recrur - Recruitment Software

What exactly does this recruitment software do?

Jobs management

  • Creating an organization-based systematic recruitment process, including recruitment stages, sources, etc.
  • Creating a job by a manager or recruiter
  • Internal recruitment requests processing
  • New! Approval round for internal recruitment requests
  • Jobs database, history and search, sorting and filtering
  • Public job advertisement for sharing on social media, website and other pages
  • Display job advertisements directly on job portals (via API)
  • Display job advertisements directly and / or share them on the company’s website or career page (via API)
  • Customizable application form – different types of additional questions, documents, etc.
  • Creating and designing job advertisements
  • Linking to the Video Ad
  • Creating a recruitment team
  • Unlimited number of external or internal jobs
  • Adding inside-information to a job
  • Assigning status to a job: active or completed
  • Reopening the closed job
  • Copying the job content for creating a new similar job
  • Two-level company structure
  • Organization-based job categories
  • New! Job phases for better jobs management

Candidate management

  • Comprehensive candidate profile with documents and history
  • Video CV creating, receiving and keeping a link on the candidate’s profile
  • Evaluation and ranking of candidates
  • Add recruitment steps and send emails to multiple candidates simultaneously
  • Create and send calendar invitations
  • Candidate’s history, communication and documents in one view
  • Sorting, filtering and exporting candidate data
  • Manually add candidates to the general database or to the specific job
  • Import candidate data and CVs
  • Attaching a job to a candidate, moving candidates from one job to another
  • Pre-filled jobs and applications
  • Apply through job portals or career page (via API)
  • Returning the application and documents to the candidate for completion

Talent pool

  • Creating a talent pool from e-channels or manually
  • Comprehensive candidate profile with documents and history
  • Search, sort, filter
  • Search by name, keyword, position, etc.
  • Search candidate’s profile, previously added comments and documents (Word, pdf.)
  • Overall rating of the candidate
  • Storage and management of candidate data in accordance with GDPR requirements

Departments or customers

  • Department/client-based application forms
  • Department/client-based overview of jobs
  • Management of department/client-based jobs

Career- or campaign websites

  • Creating a career- and / or campaign page
  • Add customizable content and visuals
  • Dynamic display of active jobs
  • Embed video and add social buttons

Candidate portal

  • General information of the job
  • Contacts of the organizer of the job
  • An overview of the candidate’s status in a specific job
  • Application and documents with the possibility of changing and adding documents
  • Saving the unfinished application for continuing later
  • Unique link for continuing with the application form
  • Creating a video-CV

Internal communication

  • Creating To-Do tasks for co-workers.
  • Creating events / meetings for co-workers
  • Create and send calendar invitations
  • Sharing candidate and / or job information
  • Notices to colleagues
  • Internal recruitment request

General communication

  • Automatic confirmation letters to the candidate directly from the system
  • Sending emails with attachments
  • Integration with a Gmail / Outlook account
  • Create email templates
  • Schedule emails as needed
  • Sending a bulk emails
  • Export correspondence from Outlook to candidate profile (drag & drop)

Roles and rights

  • Administrator (Main User): maintains users and processes
  • Recruiter: uses the system to recruit, manages competitions according to their rights
  • Client / manager: sees competitions opened to them by the recruiter, with viewer or editor rights
  • Organization-based user rights management


  • CV Online job portals (across the Baltics)
  • CV Keskus / CV Market job portals (across the Baltics)
  • CV Bankas job portal (Lithuania)
  • Social media links (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.)
  • Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund
  • MS Azure (authentication)
  • Customer career pages
  • Websites, intranets and other systems via the Recrur API

Consents ja GDPR

  • Consent to apply in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR
  • Company-specific custom consents in different languages
  • Management of candidate data and consents in accordance with GDPR requirements
  • Data retention notices
  • Automatic request for renewal of consents
  • Deletion and / or mass deletion of candidate data
  • Candidate data anonymization
  • Display candidate data in a reproducible format

Statistics and data export

  • Overview of all competitions
  • Filtering by period, status, customer/department and responsible recruiter
  • Overview of recruitment stages, current status and channels
  • General report of ongoing and finished jobs
  • Recruitment channel efficiency report for each job
  • Visual display of the overview
  • Export of competitions, candidates and customer information to Excel
  • Export candidate or customer related files
  • Generating reports in Excel

Wish to see the basic functions in action? Have a look at our brief demo video!

What is the software for?

Recruitment flow is efficient and easy to manage

Create your own recruitment phases and manage your candidates from even before the first message. In Recrur’s system, you can accept and reject candidates, add comments, take notes, and schedule meetings. By managing the whole process from one place, you can ensure that every candidate receives a quick response and the whole team gets a clear overview of the actions taken with the candidate

Build a user-friendly work structure in Recrur to make work smooth and productive. Create a candidate experience for your company that will help you gain trust and that is easy for candidates to complete. This will yield more high-quality candidates and save you time on administrative tasks.

Talent pool saves time and money

Candidates who have applied through the application link or through recruitment portals will be added to the corresponding job listing in the Recrur system automatically. If necessary, candidates can also be added manually or by importing the data in CSV format. Information related to the candidates (CV, cover letter, emails, general information, pictures, comments) can be added to each profile, and all candidates can be searched by keywords. Create your own database for future recruitment and save time and money!

Publish easily in job portals and social media

With the help of Recrur’s interfaces, you can conveniently publish job advertisements directly to job portals such as CV-Online and CV Keskus and share your branded application form through social media channels. Job postings can be added directly from the system to the company’s career page, and questions for potential job applicants can be created and linked to the job application link.

And much more….

Support Services

  • Recruitment audit and consulting
  • Career websites
  • Recruitment campaigns in social media
  • Software training and implementation

Custom solutions

  • Software customizations
  • Additional midules development
  • Integration with HR systems

Software & Services info

I would be happy to introduce the ways Recrur can bring your organisation's recruitment process to the next level by making it simpler and more effective.

Please get in touch and let's find the most suitable solution for you.

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    All information in Recrur is stored in accordance with GDPR data protection laws and you will be notified when your data starts to expire.