About us

Media coverage on Recrur

“Problems arose when we were not able to quickly check whether we had contacted a certain person before or what the situation was after their previous candidacy. Stepping into the same bucket more than twice is rather embarrassing…

… so we built Recrur.”

Marit Alaväli

Founder and CEO of Recrur

Marit can safely be called the guide to digital recruitment in Estonia. During her long career, Marit has worked in both the public and private sectors, thus having gained an excellent understanding of staffing challenges. She has a master’s degree in human resource management from TalTech and long-term experience in the field of human resources, which is why she is also a valued mentor and lecturer.

Ann Kindel

Customer Success Specialist

Janeli Eiert

Customer Success Manager

Annela Mets

Marketing & Community Manager

Reili Reinumäe

Partnership Manager of the Baltics

Anton Shatunov

Software Developer

Andres Pihor


Want to be a part of the team?

“Our goal is to make recruitment transparent, effective, and enjoyable for all parties. So there are less bitter people in the world.”
— Marit Alaväli —

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I would be happy to introduce the ways Recrur can bring your organisation's recruitment process to the next level by making it simpler and more effective.

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