6 Recommendations on How to Create a Positive Experience for Candidates and Recruit the Best Talent

Today’s economic situation has compelled companies to reduce their business operations and lay off staff, although this has not significantly alleviated the competition to find good employees. Rather, more choices have emerged for companies in the IT and start-up sector, but other businesses still face the fact that there are few decent candidates, so they must compete for them.

Why is there a shortage of competent candidates?

The reason lies in the fact that Estonia’s population is ageing and the upcoming generation is not as interested in the traditional nine-to-five and outdated working conditions. In addition, they have higher expectations for the company as an employer, as well as for the recruitment process itself. Consequently, we still do not have enough people to fulfil the needs of all sectors.

The importance of the recruitment process

Candidates’ expectations for both the recruitment process and the employer have changed over time. Ease of application, a swift and efficient process and candidate engagement are all seen as key elements. Unfortunately, the reality is that the recruitment process of many companies is inefficient, resulting in extended recruitment times, and feedback to candidates is delayed or, in some cases, not provided at all.

Since quality candidates can generally choose between companies, they tend to select an employer who has involved them in the recruitment process, treated them decently, provided quick and open responses and not left them waiting without any updates. It is noticeable to candidates if the company’s recruiters and managers aren’t on the same page regarding how their recruitment process works, which can eliminate the company from the competition as a potential employer.

What does an efficient and sustainable recruitment process look like?

Regardless of whether a company has adopted recruitment software or not, the following fundamentals form the basis of a successful recruitment process:

● The company’s recruitment process is clearly outlined and effectively communicated to all stakeholders, including recruiters and hiring managers;

● Each stage of the recruitment process is clear and well defined, so that it’s interpreted the same way by both managers and recruiters. This means that everyone involved knows their role and obligations, such as who creates new employee profiles and where, whether the recruiter pre-selects candidates, so that the manager only evaluates those who passed etc;

● There are mutual agreements on how the candidates will be assessed, such as company values, salary ranges, questionnaire templates for the open position, a grading scale (such as 1 to 10, with agreements on what a certain rating means in the context of the company);

● The recruitment process is clearly communicated to the candidate, so they know what to expect, how long the selection process could take, and that they will be notified of any changes.

Recruitment software can facilitate the recruitment process and significantly improve the candidate experience by collecting and managing candidates’ personal data securely, gathering data about KPIs essential for recruitment (recruitment time, efficient channels etc), ensuring that all candidates receive feedback, and involving them in the process without the recruiter having to make additional time for it.

6 Tips for an Efficient Recruitment Process

You should start by reviewing the current process. Discuss with your team whether your organisation has its recruitment process in place, what works well, and what needs to be improved. Here are some questions that all recruiters should think about.

1. What do we wish to accomplish with recruitment? Do we simply want to find a new employee quickly or do we want to find an employee who will stay with the company for the long term?

2. Where do we store and manage data on candidates and recruitments? Who can access it? Does the storage of data have a longer-term and more sustainable purpose, ie what will happen to the data if the key person involved in the recruitment leaves the company?

3. Is every stage of the recruitment process mapped out and worded in a way that is clearly understandable to all parties involved (the recruiter, the manager and candidates)?

4. Do both managers and recruiters know and understand the criteria on the basis of which candidates are selected and rejected? For example: company values, background checks, the necessity of a grading scale etc.

5. Do managers know their role and responsibilities in the application process? Where is the manager’s written feedback stored? Who will provide feedback to candidates and when? Who will invite them for an interview and how is the final selection made?

6. Are your candidates aware of how the recruitment process works at your organisation and what the next steps and deadlines are?

There is still a lack of talent on the Estonian labour market, which makes finding good employees a challenge. Candidates have numerous choices and they make carefully deliberated decisions on where to apply. The recruitment process is the first step to creating a positive employee experience, which in turn affects whether the employee will recommend your company to others. A great recruitment experience could turn the employee into the company’s brand ambassador who will recommend it to others and thus help attract new talent.

It’s never too late to improve your recruitment process and gain a competitive edge in finding and retaining talent.

Feel free to contact me if you want to know how the Recrur recruitment software works to create a positive candidate experience and a competitive advantage for your company.

Marit Alaväli
Recrur recruitment software CEO and founder