Webinar follow-up: Going digital in HR

On the 29th of Nov Recrur team held a webinar called Going digital in HR – simple steps to proceed. The main topics were related to digitalization challenges and benefits in the HR field.

Guntis Kalnins
, the business & people lead and executive coach, shared the 10 simple steps on how to start with the digitalization – how to understand what is actually needed, who is the driver of the process and how to sell the idea to other stakeholders. The first and the most relevant point to start with, is the question to yourself: how much do you want to go digital?

Indrek Sarjas
, the HR director at G4S Estonia, shared that when he started the HR digitalization in G4S, his personal ambition was 10 (on the scale from 0-10). Indrek also advised not to talk and think too much about the digitalization, but start with the real actions. It is not an easy journey – you need to lead the change in the organization, in people’s minds. There is a lot of convincing work to do, but it’s worth it.

Marit Alaväli
, the founder and CEO of Recrur, gave a short overview of the opportunities in the recruitment software markets. The market is really colorful, it is not easy to decide and select the most suitable software. To make the validation process easier, Marit shared the checklist that each organization could fill before holding the meetings with potential software providers. She also pointed out that while choosing the software, consider the computer skill level among the future users. We all assume that the people who are working in modern and/or large organizations, should also be top-notch specialists in using a bit more complicated systems. The reality is different. Acquiring software with complicated functionalities, but without top level skill, is a waste of time and money.

Often HR managers are faced with the fact that the management does not give a positive response to the new idea. Guntis and Indrek both confirmed that the management likes numbers and without showing what is the cost of the project and how much time and money will be saved in future, there is no point to waste the management’s time. In addition to numbers, the management wants to see who is the driver of the project and what’s the plan for successful implementation. 70% of the digitalization projects fail. Why? The preparation work has not been done and the people in the organization are not on the same page of understanding.

Links to the presentation and webinar recording

Guntis’s presentation >>
Marit’s presentation >>

Webinar recording >>

Special offer “Going digital in HR”

We have a special offer from the experts in HR digitalization to help you take the next step towards the digitalization of HR.

It’s all free of charge, if you register your interest in December!

Please register here now >>

We are looking forward to e-meeting you again!