You’re offering great pay, amazing benefits and still have trouble getting great candidates? Let’s take a look at some of the things you can do to attract top talent like the best employers do.
Build brand recognition as an employer
Having a well recognized brand will always be beneficial to your recruitment because it builds trust in your company. It helps candidates with their decision making process and makes you stand out in a list of unknown names.
This is usually a big issue for companies who operate in a business-to-business environment and are relatively unknown outside their industry. If potential candidates don’t know what your company does or stands for, then it’s up to you to educate them on those things.
What is your company doing? Why are your hiring? Who will the candidate be working with? In what environment? Include these things in your job ad. They will help form your company image and build trust for candidates. Consider making a video for your hiring explaining all those things to potential candidates.
Consider doing internal marketing
Internal marketing is the process of promoting your own products, services or goals to your employees. The aim is to increase the level of engagement your employees have with the company goals. If you have happy and engaged employees, then likely they’ll speak good things about your company to their friends. Those friends will recognize your company as a great place to work at – it’s just a matter of spreading the word. Some of those friends might even make a good fit for that new position you have available 😉
Celebrating wins within the company is very important for multiple reasons. If someone closed a big client or completed an important goal then make sure to tell everyone about it. People want cool stories to share, both within the company and outside the company. This also helps people understand what they are working for (other than a paycheck).
Your employees should feel pride in what your company is doing regardless of each employees individual contribution. Many pieces make a whole and they all matter – that’s why you hired them in the first place. Celebrate the victories your employees bring and others will want a share in the glory.
Measure your own attractiveness as an employer
Observe how your employees introduce themselves. For example: “I’m a chef” versus “I’m a chef at McDonalds”. Do your employees take pride in the fact that they work in your company or do they try to hide it? How do they speak about your company on social media? Do they speak at all?
Platforms such as Glassdoor allow your own employees to review your company and its culture anonymously. While it can be scary at first, then it’ll give you a good understanding of whether you’ve done a good job fostering your company culture.
Create brand ambassadors
At the end of the day your own employees are the best ambassadors for your company. If they take pride in their work and tell their friends about your company then this gives you an upper hand in recruitment. Keep in mind that not everyone is a great storyteller so it’s helpful to give them stories to tell. Share your marketing and adverts internally and ask for your own employees for feedback. They will appreciate being included in the process and will use similar words when describing your company to their friends.
Create opportunities for employees to grow
Being able to improve ourselves and increase our personal value on the job market is a must. These opportunities don’t always have to be promotions. They can also be coaching sessions for additional skills and technologies that employees can learn. Offering employees a way to improve themselves and pick up additional skills creates a lot of extra value for both the employee and the employer. Having a highly skilled workforce creates a strong brand image of you as a company and allows employees to take pride in their work. An image of successful and highly skilled collective makes your company more attractive for other skilled workers.
Include your employees in the hiring process
This is an obvious win-win-win situation. If your own employees get a say on who is in and who is out, then this helps the new employee better integrate into the company. This also makes your employees feel more involved with the company culture and makes them feel more ownership on the company performance.
We here in Recrur are recruiters ourselves and have built the tools needed to help you recruit better. All the while avoiding excessive bureaucracy so you could focus on what matters most – building great relationships.

Sirli Spelman
A recruiter and human resource manager. Sirli has many years of practical experience in hiring for the IT industry – excellent in both finding new talent and organizing existing talent.